Thought TODAY
Thought for Today
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Thought Today
Saturday, February 28, 2015
" The only man who never makes mistakes
is the man who never does anything. "
Friday, February 27, 2015
" You are perfect exactly as you are.
With all your flaws and problems,
there’s no need to change anything.
All you need to change is
the thought that
you aren’t good enough. "
Thursday, February 26, 2015
" When we are young,
the words are scattered all around us.
As they are assembled by experience,
so also are we,
sentence by sentence,
until the story takes shape. "
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
“People who matter are most aware
that everyone else does, too.”
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
" The difference between
what you were
and what you will be tomorrow
is what you do today. "
Monday, February 23, 2015
" There are two ways you can get through pain.
You can let it destroy you,
or you can use it as fuel to drive you:
to dream bigger, to work harder. "
Sunday, February 22, 2015
" Life may have no meaning.
Or even worse,
it may have a meaning
of which I disapprove. "
Saturday, February 21, 2015
" Find a time and place of solitude.
Look into the distance,
and into the future.
Visualize the tomorrow you are going to build,
and begin to build that tomorrow,
today. "
Friday, February 20, 2015
" Never say ‘no’ to adventures.
Always say ‘yes’,
otherwise you’ll lead a very dull life. "
Thursday, February 19, 2015
" If you don’t live on the edge,
you can’t see the view."
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
" Our bodies are our gardens
to which our wills
are gardeners. "
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
" Not only to say the right thing
in the right
but far more difficult,
to leave unsaid
the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
Monday, February 16, 2015
" How old would you be if
you didn’t know how old you are? "
Sunday, February 15, 2015
" Life is precious,
do not waste it doing anything
that your heart does not
respect or agree with. "
Saturday, February 14, 2015
" Today a reader, tomorrow a leader "
Friday, February 13, 2015
Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones,
you'll start having positive results.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
" If everyone is thinking alike
then somebody isn’t thinking "
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
" We are more alike
than we are different "
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
" Little progress can be made
by merely attempting to repress what is evil.
Our great hope lies
in developing what is good "
Monday, February 9, 2015
" You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose "
Sunday, February 8, 2015
" So many things are possible
just as long as you don’t know
they’re impossible "
Saturday, February 7, 2015
" There are far too many of us
who place far too much stock
in being alive
and far too little
in living "
Friday, February 6, 2015
" Look within
Within is the fountain of good,
and it will ever bubble up,
if thou wilt ever dig "
" The practice of forgiveness
is our most important contribution
to the healing of the world. "
Thursday, February 5, 2015
“A society is defined
not only by what it creates,
but by what it refuses to destroy.”
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
“An idealist is one who,
on noticing that
a rose smells better than a cabbage,
concludes that it makes a better soup.”
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
“That the situation appears
should not prevent us from
doing our best.”
Monday, February 2, 2015
dreams can change.
If we’d all stuck with our first dream,
the world would be overrun
with cowboys and princesses "
Sunday, February 1, 2015
“God does not play favorites
The difference between a flower
or wildflower or weed
is only a matter
of human judgment.”
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